Service apartments happen to be an umbrella term, which incorporates a plethora of properties, which are meant to offer long-term and short-term accommodation to travelers during their vacation. A prominent option that makes the service apartments stand out in the market is because they come with different utilities and amenities. You can enjoy the comforts of your home on an optimum scale as you select these apartments. They offer a plethora of utilities and features with extra convenience and space. Now, we will tell you about the top reasons why Service Apartments Kolkata is soaring in popularity: Enjoy your stay in a Clean Home. The service apartments boast of dedicated housekeepers who assure well-kept and clean space daily. There will be regular proactive maintenance checks, so you do not need to worry about cleaning on your own. Pets and Children are always welcome The best thing about the serviced apartments is that they allow the entry of children and kids. They offer...